New project - SC 2008
From NavykI
Revision as of 15:21, 2 March 2009 by (talk)
SC2008 project creation
- 1. In partition P create a folder with the project name.
- 2. SC2008/ Project/New project
- 3. Fill up the window "New ShipConstructor Project"
- 4. Check : View from Aft
- 5. Choose the SC Template Project file.
- 6. User name: SH, PASS: no pass.
- 6. Click OK (data base will be created)
- 7. Click new unit and name it.
- 8. Navigator/Template/ Structure template ;set up the folowing:
- Units:mm - Coords: 2 - KP text style (arrial narrow /regular/0) - Dim style KP-25 - lts 50 leader settings: 2 points, underline text.
If are any problems in longing in in on the new project created due to the user permission this can be solved going in SC20008/ administrator/manage users. The same settings must be made for nest template.