General applicable rules

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Rules for viewing the structure:

  • Frames - always look from AFT to FORWARD. The structure in FWD is marked dashed.
  • Longitudinals- always look form STARBOARD to PORTSIDE. The structure in PORT is marked dashed.
  • Decks- always look from TOP to DOwn.The structure under deck is marked dashed.

In every project you have to search for the sign where the thickness of frames is changing form Aft to Forward.

Structure part colors

  • Green - outside cut
  • Yellow - inside cut
  • Cyan - continuous or dached - marking line
  • Grey - no process (only text is part of plate parts).The other Grey entities except parts must be on CON layer.


The start of every project is creating planar groups using Rhino sections for frames, longitudinals and decks. In every planar group after creation must be done the following:

  • SC Utilities/Remove vertices below tolerance: 0.05
  • SC Utilities/Activate UCS. SC2005 is planar gr name _C (ex. U1-F00_C) in SC2008 is planar group name_M.(ex. U1-F00_M)
  • SC Utilities/3D to 2D
  • Add the base lines/Central line using tool palette and customize it for the project.


In a Shipconstructor project first we define the plate parts and than the profiles if required. The piecemark has the following sizes:

  • 40 for plate parts
  • 25 with leader for profiles.

Function of the plate part size we dicrease the piecemark size with 5 every time till it will fit inside the part.

If you need to delete a defined part (a block with piecemark which is added to the project database) than DO NOT USE DELETE but UNDEFINE which is a ShipConstrutor tool. If you need to modify a defined part than you can choose for one of methods below:

  • Undefine the part with keeping the autocad entities and than define it again. Is used when you need to modify the solid also.
  • Deactivate the part, modify it and reactivate it again. Is used when you do not need to modify the solid.



  • Look for watertight bulkheads and tank plates, these are without scallops.
  • Start drawing the continueing construction. This means the parts of the construction which continue when passing other planar groups. Finish the planar group completely with profile solids (even if they are not in the scope of delivery). The reason is that you can use the intersections in the not-continueing planar groups.
  • When creating a new planar group take use the correct thickness and thickness throw. This is imortant for marking group intersections. When you finish a planar group, check the 3D model with the intersecting/connecting planar groups for possible irregularities.
  • When a planar group is intersected with a skewed group, then make the skewed group first to have the correct intersection markings.
  • Connecting consturction fully detailed in no process for all frames and centerline, linetype continuous for near side, dashed for far side
  • Draw connecting sections to show how construction continues
  • Replicate



  • For every import remove vertices below 0.05mm
  • Close outside and inside contours
  • Split part if it is bigger than the sheet size, conform the following rules:
    • Shortest welding line
    • Parallel to a reference line, at intervals of 50mm
    • Minimum 50mm distance to adjacent construction
  • Show reference lines, every part has to have at least 1 reference line
  • Mark all interfering construction (plates, stiffeners)
  • Show thickness
  • All marking lines and No process entities to be within part borders
  • If applicable show:
    • Orientation icon
    • ‘Contra templates’
    • roup together:
  • Piecemark
  • Thickness
  • (Orientation icon)
  • (‘Contra templates’)
  • Text and piecemarks which do not fit within the part borders to be incremental decreased with 5
  • Inside cut:
  • Holes smaller than Ø50 are marked instead of cut
  • Cuts <6mm to be marked (palsma cut is 6mm minimum)
  • No process:
  • text only

o Not to interfere with markinglines • Bending parts: o Maximum bending length is 4000mm (machine limiet) o Bending requires at least 50mm plate next to the bending line, if the bending stops at the plate edge, add 50mm stock o Always mark the plate at the side where the bending goes to (this side), ‘other side’ only to be used for exceptions o Flange: indicate with bending line and diamonds, text example: FL50 90°TS o Knuckle: indicate bending line, text example: KN 45°TS o Radius: Indicate begin and end of bending with a line  Draw an arrow from begin line to end line and inidicate: • Knuckle/Radius • Angle • Bending direction ‘this side’ (‘TS’ or in Dutch ‘DZ’) or ‘other side’ (‘OS’ or in Dutch ‘AZ’)

o When creating the part select ‘Bending’ in the Paint menu. • Welding bevel: o When indicated on the plate, it is done for all sides o Indicate:  bevel in degrees or ‘NO BEVEL’ for 0 degrees  side ‘this side’ (‘TS’ or in Dutch ‘DZ’) or ‘other side’ (‘OS’ or in Dutch ‘AZ’) o example ‘BEVEL 30 TS’ • Stock is indicated with a + and the amount example ‘+50’ • Long narrow parts with curvature – mark straight sightline • Sightlines o Add to long narrow parts which migh deform during construction(build T-profiles, etc.)