13012 Dykstra 62
From NavykI
- client: Dick Alewijnse (NL) - DA is contactperson for all questions regarding systems
- project manager: Robin ten Hoope (NL) - RtH also drew up the interior since GDNP did not have time for it
- contact person GDNP: Erik Wassen (NL)
Drawing list
Time schedule
- End of Sep hull ready
- Nov/Dec 2014 - start at HJB
- wk 33 start carpentry
- early 2015 start mounting of interior on board
- Construction weight is 10 tonnes instead of estimated 7 tonnes, Dykstra did not calculate additional bulkheads and the ballast tanks, among others.
- carbon mast costs about 250K which is more expensive than the interior (and the interior is more expensive than the aluminum construction)
- sistership 'Windhunter III' is build by Aluboot (Henk Borneman) and owned by Johan Mast
- ballast system with dumphatches is developed by Heine Deelstra from Gaastmeer Design, in cooperation with K&M Yachtbuilders
- Dykstra estimates interior weight 1.5 tonnes lower than Robin ten Hoope
- aluminum construction: K&M Yachtbuilders
- interior: Marron Jachtbouw
- finishing out: Holland Jachtbouw
To do
Minutes of Meeting
Dick Alewijnse, Erik Wassen, Robin ten Hoope
- A Keelconstruction/guides/stability trembling / nose through deck / with/without shell bulb
- One side plastic material on trunk, anodized guide part on keel
- Keel configuration and construction detailed and delivered by Dykstra
- Forward part of keel as high as possible, partially penetrating through deck
- Up/down movement speed 1m/min
- Cylinder pushes keel in lower position tight against shell, max. pressure to be definded (EW)
- In upper position the keel enters in the wedge shaped trunk which will secure the keel
- Bulb of casted lead (in mould)
- Internal a galvanized frame with threaded ends, mounted with galvanized nuts
- Between bulb and keel an isolating part which separates lead from aluminum
- Also the penetration of the threaded ends need to be isolated
- B Alustar
- NO ALUSTAR. Advantages do not outweigh the disadvantages of a yacht of this size.
- C Final shell stingers
- Stringers are OK as drawn by Navyk
- D Miscelaneous remarks/modifications of drawings
- Stairs in interior in way of trunk gearbox is not properly aligned, situation to be modified (RtH)
- When stairs is OK then optimize drive line by moving gearbox aftward, decrease distance engine-gearbox, if necessary make a small bulb in shell for gearbox (RtH / EW)
- Detail garage of entrance hatch in combination with scupper pipes (RtH)
- Define softpatch size and position, generator must be removable with engine in place (RtH)
- Add double plates and deck reinforcements (EW)
- What impact has relocating the PS ER bhd, how will be detailing of bathroom, how much free space requires the Turbo of the Steyr? (RtH)
- Indicate cockpit recesses, make proposal (RtH)
- Add additional pillars in way of F19 (mainsheet track) (RtH)
- E Penetrations/standpipes
- Determine position of standpipes for in and outlet, centralize as much as possible (RtH)
- F Dishwasher – modify recess
- Give Navyk new dimensions and position so this can be processed (RtH/EW)
- G Windows in aftside deckhouse
- To be determined in combination with interior and exterior sideview, make proposal for Dykstra approval (RtH)
- H Hatch sill entrance
- Not discussed, make proposal for Dykstra approval (RtH)
- I Porthole positions
- Pass new postions to Navyk so it can be updated in the construction plan (RtH)
- J Align PS ER bhd with cockpit seat
- What impact has relocating the PS ER bhd, how will be detailing of bathroom, how much free space requires the Turbo of the Steyr? (RtH)
- K WT doors relocated in BHD
- Determine new door type and position and inform Navyk (Rt)
- L Tanks ballast, fresh and grey. Discuss function and execution
- Situation unchanged
- M Motor position in relation with twindisc
- Twin disc is no option because of angle which requires too many couplings
- A Layout related to sailplan and sheeting, check
- Conform latest deckplan. Staysail to be drawn (EW, done 06-09-2013)
- B Sheeting/halyard angles to winches, check
- determine angles and heights for wich feeding (EW)
- C Complete equipment list
- check execution and delivery for hardware quotes (EW)
- strategic locations for fixed padeyes, upstands and footblocks (EW)
- add 2 deflection points for kite/code sheet to winch (EW)
- D Skylight salon, general details, constr. etc. (EW)
- skylight with dorade forward of F13 and extend glass 200m aft (RtH/EW)
- E Construction deckhouse, construction aluminum with wood, integrated windows, location additional pillars related to entrance, etc
- Dykstra will give principal details as a guide for the construction (EW)
- G Possibility of second travellercar on forward rail
- Extend foundation in deck for optional rail extension (EW)
- H Move fairlead to bollard
- Dykstra will move this (EW)
- I Entrance hatch principles
- Dykstra will give principle (EW)
- A Raised forestay still possible with mast of Hall-spars?
- will influence current offer of Hallspars. New offer required based upon new built profile
- B Sail area to be checked, behaviour under different conditions
- Dykstra will make a new sailplan with all data given for price offer mast and hardware (EW)
- A Interior drawings handed over to Dykstra for their approval
- drawings are handed over
- A What else Dykstra will do / finish?
- B Bowsprit
- Dykstra will set up bowsprit geometry with adjustable water stay (EW)
- C Fender storage in fore peak
- Alewijnse likes to store fenders in forepeak between hull and chainlocker, is this possible?
- Yes, see mail 06-09-2013 EW
- D Mainsheeting details
- details and geometry of system of run through deckhouse (EW)
- E No pulpit at bow
- drawings will be updated (EW)
- F weight estimation systems
- systems and positions arranged for weight calculation (RtH)
10 General arrangement
40 Construction
- frames will be all CNC
- bulb profiles changed into FB60x6 with half cut in way of frame (or other planar groups) where the planar group is as wide as the stringer
- deckhouse will be aluminium (by phone with Dykstra)
- bulkhead stiffening will be: vertical T50x50x5 and horizontal FB50x5 (wait for answer)
- shell division and as well other plate division will be made by Navyk (wait until a yard is chosen) (by phone with Dykstra)
- chain locker for anchor will be from aluminium 5mm (by phone with Dykstra)
- bow thruster construction will be finished by Navyk (by phone with Dykstra)
- plate under stairs iwo cockpit entrance will be as in the construction drawing (by phone with Dykstra)Changed
- Frame 19 must have a bulkhead in the trunk with a hole for the shaft. This to create an extra sound barrier between engine room and trunk in the interior. see email 13-09-2013
Construction details (yard)
- welding slots (Lloyd's or ABS)?
- scallops are ok like general construction drawing?
- dimension of nest plate (6000x2000?)
- profile length (6000?)
- bevel info on plates?
- cut out shape for stringers trough frames and other planar groups
- details for notches in shell stringers (every frame distance, in the middle)
- detailing might be done by Frans Brandjes
50 Outfitting
60 Systems
- overboards - all above WL
- overboards - combine as much as possible
- valves - reduce number of valves where possible
- drafting
- draw at scale 1:1
- scale in titleblock is 'NA' (not applicable)
- uniform use of symbols
- uniform size of symbols
- all tables grouped vertical in right side of drawing
- all on A2 format?
- use new titleblock / notes / table
- don't add unnecessary knucles in lines
- in the near future we should standarize symbols and draw the diagrams on a grid of 10x10
- use ball valve symbol instead of globe valve symbol
- use E for electric operated valves
- collect supplier data for each appliance (in the project folder there is not any documentation)
Ballastsystem Windhunter
- breather pipe must have sufficient diameter, Windhunter has Ø50 which is considered too small, they advice Ø80
- breatherpipes go to grills in aftside doghouse
- when breatherpipes overflow you know the tanks are full
- Goiot hatches operation lines are lead to the cockpit and have a 2:1 tackle
- Goiot hatcehs have a lever
- double bottom is used as cross over, K&M is not satisfied with (hard to make watertight, no inspection possible) and prefers 2 or 3 large diameter pipes
- Goiot deckhatch rectangular, for example 300x500 or 250x400, plexiglas replaced by aluminum panel
- advantage of using standard deckhatch is that spareparts like gaskets can be easily found and replaced
- Windhunter uses only ballastwater, we use a combination with grey water which gives smells so the breather pipe should be a closed ring?
- manifold in galley (against trunk ER?), all manual valves well accessible
- draw breathers always in upper end of line 'Done'
- seperate cross over from fill/suction line (saves 1 BIG manifold) Done, but the manifold can not be excluded
- calculate fill up/empty time for wing tank (verify cross sections of breather + cross over)
- in fore peak where will be placed the bilge sump (because of the bowthruster support)? one idea is in front of the support and poor sikaflex in the aft part to direct water there
Fresh water
- note: wingtanks are not intended for storage because they heat up due to blue hull FW wing tanks will be used for storage, filled from bottom tanks and through deck filling (conform latest diagram remarks
- reduce number of valves
- toilets possibly come with double connections for FW / seawater, then no valve required, check this out (possible supplier is Raritan or Tecma) Toilets mentioned doesn't have separate connections
- pumps, hydrofor, etc - to be removable: valves fore and aft
- add taps at low points
- reduce overboards by combining pipes
- use colors for hot (don't use 'warm') and cold water
- disconnect sea water tap galley from FW system
- calculate required time to fill up wingtanks with hydrophor
- breatherpipes wingtanks of sufficient diameter (calculate time required to empty/fill one tank?)
- breatherpipes wingtanks to keeltrunk?
- connect crossovers to bottom of wingtanks
- connect fill lines to sides of bottomtanks
- LS of HL as in bilge diagram? Only LS will be used
questions / remarks SH
- Robin - bottom tanks - did we discuss about increasing the size or moving? Tank volumes shall not be increased
- cross over and breather section to be calculated (how much time it takes to move the water from PS to SB)
- fill - why via wingtanks? wingtanks should not be used for storage so fill should go directly to bottomtanks? DONE
- wing tanks - why drain? Now they are used also for storage, so drain is required
- wing tanks - why spare connection on top? Spare connection from wing tanks removed
- wing tanks - avoid that water drains through breather line
- wing tanks - extend fill line to near bottom to reduce noise?
- bottom tanks - why a valve in breather line? Removed
- watermaker - connect directly to bottom tanks only? Yes, wing tanks shall be filled from bottom tanks with the hydrophor
- cross over - always filled with water
- hot water to laundry machine? Laundry machine does not need hot water, only the dishwasher
Sea water
- galley - own faucet, no connection to FW faucet
Black water
- breather aft in transom, forward in mast? Breather from aft tank in aft Vent box, breather from fwd tank in keelbox
- dimension and position for the 2 black water tanks (HDPE)like in the construction drawing (small changes according to available space are accepted)
- pump does not require electric valves fore and aft Done
- duplex filter from spec file 5L/min is positioned between daytank and consumers, a debug filer was required by RtH- see emails 19-09-2013
- generator - Northern Lights? Wisperpower company is running into troubles? Electric generator is from Wisperpower Genverter 10 - see email from 11-09-2013
- Steyr 4 or 6 cylinder Chosen engine is: Steyr SE156 6 cylinder 110kW - see email from 19-09-2013
- check out if 26" prop can be combined with Twindisc gearbox, because of space issue, ER trunk might require modification, together with interior engine/shaft angles can be modified, keep 30% tipdistance for propellor, longitudinal position can be modified Dykstra made new propulsion line with old gearbox from ZF - see email from 13-09-2013
- propellor
- Flexofold 26" (optional 25" or 28", pending on engine and gearbox combination, issue is behaviour of sailing reverse)
- drawing of Twindisc is in e-mail of 22-07-2013 Canceled