13012 Dykstra 62

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Revision as of 15:43, 11 July 2013 by (talk) (60 Systems)

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  • client: Dick Alewijnse (NL) - DA is contactperson for all questions regarding systems
  • project manager: Robin ten Hoope (NL) - RtH also drew up the interior since GDNP did not have time for it
  • contact person GDNP: Erik Wassen (NL)



Drawing list

Time schedule


  • carbon mast costs about 250K which is more expensive than the interior (and the interior is more expensive than the aluminum construction)
  • sistership 'Windhunter III' is build by Aluboot (Henk Borneman) and owned by Johan Mast
  • ballast system with dumphatches is developed by Heine Deelstra from Gaastmeer Design, in cooperation with K&M Yachtbuilders


To do

10 General arrangement

20 Naval architecture

40 Construction

50 Outfitting

60 Systems

  • diagrams to be discussed by phone
  • ballast
    • breather pipe must have sufficient diameter, Windhunter has Ø50 which is considered too small, they advice Ø80
    • Windhunter uses only ballastwater, we use a combination with grey water which gives smells so the breather pipe should be a closed ring?
    • breatherpipes Windhunter go to grills in aftside doghouse
    • when breatherpipes overflow you know the tanks are full
    • Goiot hatches operation lines are lead to the cockpit and have a 2:1 tackle
    • Goiot hatcehs have a lever
    • Windhunter has a double bottom as cross over, K&M is not satisfied with this and prefers 2 or 3 large diameter pipes
    • Goiot deckhatch rectangular, for example 300x500 or 250x400, plexiglas replaced by aluminum panel
    • advantage of using standard deckhatch is that spareparts like gaskets can be easily found and replaced

70 Interior

80 Paint and insulation

90 Safety