Spatio Navis 40
From NavykI
Revision as of 10:54, 12 August 2013 by (talk) (→FEEDBACK after launching 10 August 2013 Berlin)
[hide]- 1 Differences between building kit 1 and 2
- 2 TBD 'till Wednesday
- 3 General
- 4 To do
- 5 10 Design
- 6 20 Naval Architecture
- 7 30 Propulsion
- 8 40 Construction
- 9 50 Outfitting
- 10 60 Systems
- 11 70 Interior
- 12 80 Paint and insulation
Differences between building kit 1 and 2
- Rope fender detail.DONE
- Rectangular pillar support. DONE
- Cutout in diesel tank for: engine tour and retour, heater intake and breather. Crossover pipe moved more aft because of BHD stringers. DONE
- Added closing plate for ventilation in aft toilets in wings. DONE
- New cutouts through shell for toilet and engine strainer.
- Supports for hot water and heating pipes and cutouts.
- Cutout for fresh water from tank in frames.
- Railing plate added after fillet radius changed conform CC40 railing plan.
- F5 cut, new LG SKLG.
- F14+150PS from deck moved at F14.
- Cutout for heating exhaust moved 65mm fwd because for boiler support.
- Bracket incorporated in rudder support for angle indicator.
- Handrail in transom move on wall, for this the 230V HIP must move down? (now the handrail is on bench).
- Support for toilet pump in ER.
- Stringers for rope fender cut in aft part according to st. st. detail.
- Make 1 HIP for ME gooseneck.
- HIP in steering support for rudder stopper round bar diameter 30mm.
- Added 5mm rope fender tensioner bkt.
- Saloon ventilation via console cancelled.
- Add 3D views is transverse construction for next boat.
- Move side stringers near portholes move 50mm down.
- Make deck frames in fore peak 50 like in aft.
TBD 'till Wednesday
- cable guides thruster in way of FW tank
- cable penetrations ER bhd's
- piping
- heating
- FW
- drains
- Waste water tank
- bilge
- bilge pump strainer
- grey water pump
- salesprice 215.000 € ex VAT
- to compete with:
- Jetten 37 AC
- Aventura 38 AC
- initial client - boat rental Schulz, renting a lot to group of man (biliart clubs, etc.)
- sump strainer - mounting? provisions in construction?
- electric windlass - additional batteries? where?
- cable routing foreship - salon (thruster + windlass)
- bending radius white hose Ø38
- CE-C
- 21-12-2012 construction drawings plus nest
- 07-01-2012 final cutting files in NL
Yard budget
- estimated (mail 01-Jun-12):
- steel 700
- wood 750
- paint 750
- systems 350
- sandblasting 100
- outfitting and delivery 150
Supplier discounts
- 20% Marine Booster
- 40% Stazo
- 25% Webasto
Drawing list
- Note:
- Below list is not complete
- Drawings can be combined if suitable
- CE?
10 Design and styling
- 10-100 general arrangement
- 10-910 general data
- net weight construction
- net weight interior
- total weight
- 3D presentation models?
- renderings?
- 20-100 linesplan
- 20-300 centralizer
30 Propulsion
40 Construction
- 40-100 longitudinal construction plan
- tank arrangement
- propulsion arrangement
- rudder arrangement
- fender details
- portholes and hatches
- windows
- bench aftdeck
- ventilation
- 40-110 transverse construction plan (SC)
- 40-130 shell penetrations
- 40-200 expansions hull (SC)
- 40-210 expansions superstructure (SC)
- 40-220 bending and forming
- 40-300 build moulds
- 40-400 plate nests steel
- 40-410 plate nests stainless steel
- 40-800 FW tank
- 40-810 WW tank
- 40-820 Battery box+
- 40-830 Chain locker
- 40-910 material estimation steel
- 40-920 key data
- net weight
- brut weight
- loss %
- cutting length
50 Outfitting
- 50-110 companion way
- 50-115 windows
- 50-120 windscreen
- 50-160 stainless steel (incl. material estimation or on separate document?)
- railing
- table aft deck
- bow protection plate
- hand rails
- mast
- 50-170 steering arrangement
- 50-180 chain box
- 50-210 sprayhood and bimini
- 50-220 dashboard panel
60 Systems
- 60-100 bilge drainage
- 60-110 exhaust gas
- 60-120 ME cooling
- 60-130 fuel system
- 60-140 fresh water system
- 60-150 waste water system
- 60-160 heating
- 60-170 electric
70 Interior
- 70-100 set up interior
- 70-105 general detail plan
- 70-110 sole plan
- 70-120 lining plan
- 70-121 base wood plan
- 70-130 ceiling plan
- 70-140 lighting plan
- 70-150 profile list
- 70-160 cabin doors
- 70-161 salon table
- 70-162 cabin stairs
- 70-163 cooling box
- 70-170 upholstery
- 70-800 nests
- 70-810 furniture expansions
- 70-820 furniture assemblies
- 70-910 key data
- net weight
- brut weight
- loss %
- cutting length
- 70-920 material estimation plywood
- 70-930 hardware list
- 70-940 hardware catalogue
- 70-950 assembly names
To do
building kit steel
- stringer topside - in way of galley/dinnette, move below galley top, make horizontal if possible - TM
- frames - radi in way of sole are too big, reduce to gain as much space as possible for the interior - TM
- frames - need to have same width for the frames (e.g. 40 mm or 50 mm in fore cabin and not both) - also more frames, to help the displacement of the ceiling - TM
- thruster bearing plate - 12mm thick, reinforce with brackets in way of engine girder top plate (mail 22-12-2012)
- build moulds - remove from nest (mail 22-12-2012)
- portholes aft cabin to be confirmed by Jan (mail 22-12-2012)
- frame 01 on SB, support for furniture must be cut (no longer of use) - TM
- need additional frames to support ceiling under deck, dinette and galley - TM
- aft cabin, on the headboard of the bed there is a top plate - see if there can be made some additional steel supports to sustain this plate - TM
- Companionway- cut steel parts and make hole for drain.
10 Design
- sales strategy is to offer as much berths as possible for the lowest price so the boat will be very interesting for the rental market
- only developable surfaces:
- no forming plates
- no bending plates
- only 'radiused' plates
- simple and cheap - the less components the cheaper to build
- furniture to be split in units which can be prefabricated outside the boat (and outside the premises)
- sidedeck steps - not IN bathrooms but well before them (possible use for breathers)
- transom stairs
- width 500-550 (older people)
- last step ending under 45 degrees with CL
- transom gas locker PS - for 2x 5kg gas bottle
- swimplatform
- length minimum 800mm
- swimplatform - lower part at least 200mm above DWL (to avoid slamming waves against swimplatform
- transom corners - well rounded
- transom cheeks with knuckles?
- sidedecks - 450mm wide
- superstructure - max width 3100-3150
- bench aftdeck - initially steel, later GRP?
- railing cloths - steel (Schulz)
- rope fender around hull
- rubber fender around swimplatform
- steering
- wheel Ø800
- wheel nearly horizontal
50 outfitting
- windows
- sliding window in salon side
- supplier - Rhigo (mail 03-11-2012)
- portholes
- supplier - Gebo
- PS and SB can be non symmetrical
- hull - glue plexiglass/lexan?
- hull - combine with ER air intake?
- deck hatches
- supplier - Gebo
- make sure you can reach the hatch for closing/opening
- entrance hatch - GRP Centerboard standard
- doors
- transom door - Gebo hatch 900x600
- gas locker
- door Belship
- ventilation
- very important and permanent
- all spaces
- aftdeck
- fridge
- sink + tap
- helmsman seat - Swingback Seat with Stainless Steel Arms Todd USA (fridge integrated?) (mail 16-10-2012)
70 interior
- aftcabin
- bed under 45 degrees against transom
- option for double cabin layout (can be non symmetric)
- double bed convertible into 2 single beds (sliding/hinging system, seen on Greenline 33)
- headroom
- bathrooms 1900
transom rounding
- well rounded to avoid damage during leaving quai side
- keep step of 150mm next to stairs so you can step on the quai side
- hull transom can stop before rounding (shortening hull)
- capacity (Ontwerp instructies SP-N40):
- 500l FW (because of 2 showers)
- 300l fuel
- 500l WW (for example in keel, to not create heel/trim)
- tank status to not influence trim/heel
- all custom made PP tanks
- fuel - if only 1 tank forward of engine than steel tank against bhd, not attached to shell, condens sump with baffle plate above and tap
FEEDBACK after launching 10 August 2013 Berlin
- hydrostatics:
- floats at waterline but trimmed aft
- heeling so small that it can be ignored
- stability
- great initial stability (a person on the side deck hardly effects heeling)
- sailing characteristics
- good directional stability
- good sailing characteristics except reverse:
- in reverse boats starts 'spinning'
- easily achieves hull speed
- topspeed is ? (Jan?)
- at full speed the swimplatform just remains dry
- motor is overdimensioned (request of owner)
trim measurements (by Jan)
- conditions:
- FW tank full (300 liter)
- Fuel tank full (500 liter)
- measurement with 80kg on foredeck
- distance WL to lower fenderstrip at bow is 1460mm
- measurements without Jan
- distance WL to lower fenderstrip in way of freeing port (about midship) is 950mm
- distance WL to knuckle at transom is 70mm
- measurement with 265kg on foredeck
- bow lowers 40mm
30 Propulsion
- engine - IVECO N45 MNA M10.2 74 KW 100PK (mail 15-10-12)
- adjustabel mounting with spacers (as CC40?) (mail 19-11-12)
- gearbox - Technodrive TM93 (mail 15-10-12) ratio 2.09:1 (phone 10-12-12)
- coupling/thrusterbearing
- Aquadrive (Ontwerp instructies SP-N40)
- angles of Aquadrive in and out to be equal
- shaft Ø40 ITAL cone 1:10
- propellor - 'standard'
- nozzle - canceled (by phone 5-11-2012) alternative prop protection with 2 horizontal fins welded to the keel/skeg, length is half prop Ø
- bow and stern thruster - Sidepower 100kgm 12V in tube Ø185 (confirmed 6-11-12 by mail)
- suggestion Schulz: Craftsman CM4.80 - price for 5 pcs €7700
- Schulz: Deutz 1013M engines are very reliable
- Schulz: replacing 10 propellors per year, sometimes including shaft, because of under water rocks/stones
- rudder
- plastic 50mm
- sheet size 2000x1000 - consider when designing rudder (width <=500 for example)
- shaft lubrication - with hose connected to exhaust breather (see pictures Aventura 43)
40 Construction
- as cheap as possible (simple, light)
- yard budget 600 manhours
- side stiffening - longitudinal FB CNC
- transverse bottom stiffening - CNC frames ending against stringer
- roof beams - CNC (profile is hard to make them all exact the same)
- round corners of pipe segment - choose 1 radius for all corners
- NOTE: developable expansions with overlength 150 (distance between rolls of Jan his machine)
- sole
- longitudinal rectangular tubes 60x40x3(as Aventura 43), used for cables too (thrusters, windlass)
- partially removable for entering/rotating the sanitary units
- salon will be 'removable' in order to bring in the prefabbed interior parts, coupling detail as CC40, see notes inbox\'Ontwerp instructies SP-N40.doc'
- sandblasting - make sure all spaces are accessible for sand blasting
- moulds - boat is build upside down (including lower part of superstructure), deliver moulds with first boat
- rudder cylinder foundation - consider VDO rudder sensor
- incorporate:
- ears/lips for interior positioning
- ears/rings/holes for piping
- system foundations
- steering position
- instruments removed from IVECO panel
- Trespa panel (ga ik gebruiken want ik heb hier nogal wat liggen.)
- window wiper panel
- VDO FO gauge
- VDO FW gauge
- WW gauge
- Ray Marine Tridata or Bidata
- VDO rudder angle indicator
- Side-Power panel
- panel with 6 rocker switches for:
- horn
- de activate buzzer
- instrument lighting + navigation lights
- anchor light
- bilgepump
- bench lighting aftdeck (optional)
- engine control (side mounted)
- may be - radio control
- bulwark pipe 1" thick walled (33.4x3.25)
- swimplatform
- open construction
- draining aft (1.5° at CL)
Paneel ook zo opbouwen met lange lasbochten (5S?) en achter een 10mm RVS rond. In het frame plaat met gat –randen 30 mm- waarbij Trespa plaat bovenzijde op hart buis ligt.
- standpipes:
- steel
- length 50mm + thread
below DWL
- 1x cooling water ME
- 1x black water over board (1.1/2" conform Jan)
- 2x inlet toilet (1" conform Jan in mail 8-12-12)
- 2x transducers of bi data (HIP Ø52 see mail Rimare 12-12-12) (2 holes confirmed by phone by Ronald from Rimare on 20-12-2012 ('it concerns a Seatalk 1 generation instrument'))
- 1x rudder shaft (HIP Ø61)
at DWL +50
- 1x galley (1.1/2" conform Jan)
- 1x bilge (1.1/2" conform Jan in mail 8-12-12)
- 1x grey water
- 2x side deck drains
- exhaust at DWL +100
- exhaust heater?
- chain box - inox pipe 1/2", penetration and cut under an angle so a scoop will appear (hose ID21 white)
- shore connection at transom (HIP Ø56, DG Rubber)
- shore connection in transom SB, as high as possible
- topsides, under ropefender at same distance:
- deck drains
- FW breather
- WW breather
- ER air intake
- portholes
- steering console: engine control
- windlass - chain through deck with pipeØ88.9
- ventilation through aftdeck - 2.1/2" (76)
- side deck drains
- fill FO
- fill FW
- suction WW
- forecabin - cable penetration mastØ35x2 (40 above deck, 10 below deck)
- window wipers - 3x socket
- breather FO
- portholes
- windows
- deckhatches
- companionway
- breather - pipe OD25 (mail 8-12-12)
- filling - pipe 1.1/2" (mail 8-12-12)
- cross over - pipe 1.1/2" with male thread and 2x valve
- retour - socket for 1/4" copper pipe
- supply - socket welded in top, suction pipe in tank
50 Outfitting
ER sole
- aluminum 5mm
- width max. 600
- covered with anti slip foil (see paint and insulation)
- forecabin - 2 mushrooms on cabin
- wet cabins fore - 2 mushrooms on cabin with Vetus ventilator
- salon/galley - 2x dorade
- wet cabins aft
- pipe Ø76 through deck with Vetus ventilator (40mm under deck)
- flexible hose Ø76 (black or white) connects deck penetrations to Vetus ventilators (mail 8-12-12)
- aft cabin - 2x pipe Ø76 in bench?
- steering console ventilation to salon or aft cabin?
- Levanto 38 has comparable displacement and steers well so we will try to use the same system BUT we have to use components of CUNO if possible:
- arm yard made
- cylinder Ultraflex UC215-I (111kgm)- LC465 40-52, 115kgm from CUNO
- pump Ultraflex UP39 - LS451140, 40cc, with check valve and mounting bracket included from CUNO
- wheel Ø575 (conform dwg)- Model for this project Ø550 Stazo type 12
- arm strikes are tube 60x30
- cylinder stroke should be slightly bigger then strike
- lower fender of rubber around swimplatform (well rounded corners) - starting at aft ER bulkhead, modified Aventura 43 profile, shore 90 (ask for new drawing)
- min. bending radius R=500mm (mail 23-11-2012)
- rope fender
- Ø110 (mail 22-11-2012)
- around hull and transom cheeks (renters succeed to damage even this part of the boat with manouvring)
- turnbuckles: M12, max. length 350mm
windlass arrangement
- manual Cuno - Lofrans Royal
- chainpipe 76x2mm RVS 304 through bow
- anchor - 35kg polished - TBS?
- no LED
- boardlights - mounting by yard (see pictures Vacance 1300)
- anchorlight
- steamlight
- sternlight
stainless steel
- 4x double bollards - for dimensions see PDF
- 2x single bollard on swimplatform (smaller model), directly welded on swimplatform
- flagpole support at bow and transom
- anchor protection plate at bow
- fender fairings
- handrail rooftop
- handrail transom (horizontal)
- railing
- 700mm above deck (mail 07-01-2013)
- pipe 30x2 and 25x2 (metric)
- mast
- folding
- TV antenna dome
- swimladder (see drawing inbox)
- boarding ladder side with 2/3 steps (see pictures)
- nav lights
- NO Lopo lights (mail 29-11-2012)
- board lights - supports on lower coachroof
- sternlight - integrate in bench?
- anchorlight - find solution
- sink
- cooling box in helm seat
- table - for mounting see detail dwg in inbox
- bench
- steel
- no bottom
- no draining of interior
- plastic hatches (as gaslocker) - size to allow storage of cylindrical fender 200x650 (Cuno)
hatches and portlights
- make Gebo
- portlights fixed in cabins
- portlights opening in bathrooms
- deck hatches 500x500
- transom hatch 900x600
- companionway without window
sliding hatch
- recessed
- dimensions as 476
- NOTE: 18-12-12 Jan accepted a proposal with Lexan sliding hatch
- supplier: Gebo, type Light Line (mail 22-11-12)
- indicate wall thickness on drawing (steel + PVC)
- see remarks 'Ontwerp instructies SP-N40'
- window wiper 3x, see mail 30-11-2012
60 Systems
- all overboards - with valve
- through hull - pipe steel lenght 50mm plus thread
- all copper Ø8 (ME supply, ME return, heater)
- ME: 1/4" connection to tank/manifold - 1/4" valve - compression fitting - copper tube - compression fitting - reinforced fuel hose - engine
- NO no smell filter
- breather pipe Ø25x2 in lower side of superstructure 'cheek' (not wing)
- pump - Cuno 50880-1000
- switch - Belship 032351
- switch will activate only a buzzer at steering console
- limber holes in all frames for water to drane in to the bilge sump
- sump strainer Whale (supplier Belship)
- one side
- hose minimum bending R200, confirmed by Jan
- tube Ø100mm above DWL (check with CE)
- waterlock Ø100mm Cuno (as Aventura 43)
- breather (see pictures Aventura 43)
- brass fitting with connection for shaft lubrication
- breather line copper Ø8 connected to top of exhaust loop with socket 1/4"
- hose 51?
- transparant hose to see water level
cooling ME
- short stand-pipe of about 50mm (so pipe interior can be painted with brush)
- 5x 2kW heat exchanger with grill:
- 1x forecabin
- 1x aftcabin
- 1x dinette/double cabin
- 2x salon
- wet cabins - towel radiator
- piping - Ø20mm - iFIT by Georg Fischer (full CAD library available on website) (for parts see mail 12-11-12)
- when Webasto tap unit is used a short pipe of Ø25 iFIT is requiered
Webasto 90ST
- Thermo 90S 12V Plug & heat - Webasto 77054700 - € 1.886,40 (2011-03) (project 476)
- thermostat for 90ST / 24V -Webasto 25011C - € 39,88 (2011-03)
- expansiontank with sideglass and dop - Webasto 79289500 - € 215,82 (2011-03)
- exhaust thermo isolatie L=1850mm - Webasto 1313978A - € 63.00 (2011-03)
- exhaust silencer 38mm RVS met steun - Webasto .14 - € 116.42 (2011-03)
- exhaust clamp 42mm (9002255A) - Webasto 79643700 - € 5,63
- NOTE: Webasto writes in their mail of 18-10-12 (our mail 12-11-12) that the radiators are not enough for the heater to dispense it's heat so they offer a blower of Isotherm, initially 1 but more might be required
Webasto DBW 2010
- DBW 2010 12V CH - air heating - € 2.973,76 (2012-10 see offer in inbox)
Webasto DBW 2016
- DBW 2016C 24V TAP, incl. 3391438A 20 ltr. buffertank isotemp - Webasto 3391826A - € 2,721.60 (2011-03)
- expansion tank 8l 'Aquabox' - Webasto 149036 - € 44.85 (2011-03)
- bracket for expansion tank - Webasto 3200627A - € 19.51 (2011-03)
- wet cabins - mushroom Vetus
- Vetus Typhoon in bench aftdeck for permanent ventilation (Ontwerp instructies SP-N40)
- Vetus Tom as on 483 (Ontwerp instructies SP-N40)
ventilation ER
- ER - as Aventura 43 (Ontwerp instructies SP-N40)
- NO blower (mail 7-11-2012)
- grill as Aventura 43 (mail 7-11-2012)
- ventilation hose Ø178 connected to MOFI100 and in ER side deck HIP Ø180 (hose is Ø170-190 and will be screwed down into steel through ribble)
- ventilation hose short on one side, long on other side
fresh water
- accumulator tank 8l (Cuno 337020)
- bracket set (Cuno 337021)
- pump Jabsco Max 4 (Cuno 3368) / Jabsco VSD Sensor Max 14
- bracket set has provisions for mounting the pump so no separate pump foundation required!
- boiler 40 lt Cuno 230V + engine connected (as Aventura 43)
- sink on aftdeck
- piping - Ø16mm - iFIT by Georg Fischer (full CAD library available on website)
- toilets flush with sea water
- breather nipple in topside under rope fender
waste water
- galley drains directly overboard
- no smell filter Belship (Whale) as 483
black water
- issue - when tank is full the shit exits via breather or makes a pipe burst which drains the shit into the boat - how to avoid?
- SH: when tanks is full the indicator should give a signal which stops the operation of the toilet flush button, together with an indicator (blinking light) on the flush panel
- Sealand toilets come with above system
- additionally a tank overflow will be installed which drains directly overboard
- tank material - plastic
- tank connections
- toilet drains
- deck suction
- overflow
- overboard (with Jabsco macerator pump type 18590 (Cuno 18590-2092)- will be mounted directly on tank with threaded 1 1/2 connection, so no separate foundation required!)
- note: socket + elbow for pump line to be high enough for enabling screwing in of the pump
- overflow + overboard connected on 1 through hull fitting + valve (under waterline)
- all connections 2"
- all piping - Ø50mm - PVC-C by Georg Fischer (full CAD library available on website)
- breather in topside under rope fender
grey water
- 1x grey waste tank 16 lt Whale (in foreship, from aftship will come via pipe into this box) with the following connections:
- showers
- wash basins
- grey waste tank will drain directly overboard
- wash basins - hose 38, optional with PVC-C 50
- wheel Stazo (mail 24-12-2012)
- panels 12V / 230V as Aventura 43
- 12V panel in aft cabin CL
- 230V panel in furniture salon SB
- second alternator on engine 12V / 150A
- NO optional generator (mail 01-11-2012)
- engine - comes with a relay box which must be mounted nearby
- switches - Cuno
- R25 at deck frame ends for cable penetration
- wiper engine cables:
- 12V socket mounted next to engine (HIP!)
- all wiper engines directing in same directin so sockets are non-symmetrical (PS/SB)
- cables through frames to steering console
- cables from forecabin top are routed down inside double wall SB shower
- nav lights
- coax TV antenna
- horn
- cable loom steering console about Ø80mm
- 2x engine control
- 2x hydraulic hose/pipe
- 12V cables
- 2x foreship for thruster
- 2x aftship for thruster
- Raymarine Bi-data
- navigation lights - no LED
- LED in salon, other spaces normal lamps (but interchangable with LED (Ontwerp instructies SP-N40)
- switch - wall mounted (mail 02-Oct-12)
70 Interior
LATEST - 19.02.2013
- Bulwark and walls - 15mm plywood + 2x Oak veneer = draw 17mm thick / 04mm plywood + 1x Oak veneer = draw 05mm thick / 09mm plywood + 2x Oak veneer = draw 11mm thick
- Furniture walls - 17mm plywood painted = draw 17mm thick / 04mm plywood painted = draw 05mm thick
- Furniture interior - 15mm plywood + 2x HPL White = draw 17mm thick
- Furniture corners - Oak solid wood profile
- Furniture moldings - Oak solid wood profile
- Lining - 11mm plywood painted = draw 11mm thick
- Deckhouse - 10mm PVC white
- Ceiling - something from WHITZAND - we don't make Nesting for it
- Ceiling borders (curtains) - Oak solid wood profile
- Cabin doors - preferred 30 mm PVC painted
- Toilet and shower - 15 mm plywood +2x HPL White = draw 17mm thick
- Head sole, galley top toilets top - Corian 12.3mm +2.7 mm glue = draw 15mm thick
- Salon sole - Baryfloor 6-6-6 (total 18mm)+ 2x HPL = draw 20mm
- Other cabins sole - 18mm birch + 2x HPL = draw 20mm
- HPL (mail 03-10-2012, includes price offer)
- tops - latest idea jan: Wilsonart 13mm (mail 11-28) - Wilsonart
- sole
- salon Baryfloor 6-6-6 (20kg/m2)
- salon finish HPL teak and holly (1st) or PVC (2nd)
- make several color proposals (renderings) based upon HPL (incl. non-wood)
- hinges and closing devices as 483
- superstructure sides iwo windows: PVC 10mm
- Solid wood for corners and molds
- Polyrey HPL (min. bend radius 300 mm)
- 2x 07mm plywood + HPL for curved surfaces (e.g. bed in aft cabin)
- 15mm base + 2x HPL for walls = 17mm (mail 06.12.2012)
- salon sole - baryfloor 6-6-6 (total 18mm)+ 2x HPL = 20mm
- other cabins sole - 18mm birch + 2x HPL = 20mm
- hatches where required for removing debris in bilge
- hatches for access any hose clamp
- deckhatches - include panel for mosquito screen (see mail 15-12-12)
- possible supplier is Gisa Tex (D)
wet cabins
- spraypainted
- sole - Wilsonart
- prefab unit, including systems?
- toilet - seat height maximum 490mm (mail (26-11-2012)
- cabin PS fore
- try to create 600mm distance between wall and vanity (mail 01-12-2012)
- stairs - mounting as table aft deck (reinforcement in sole required?)
- removable panel in aft wall for access instrument panel of steering console
- NO hood above stove
- toilet - SeaLand MasterFlush Electric by Waeco
- wash basins - Alape glassed steel
- TV lift - 230V see purchase list ?!? (Ontwerp instructies SP-N40)
- optional
- microwave (under sidedeck?)
- toilets 2x Sealand 8600 series, short model
- Wilson art sinks see down load section.
light plan
- ceiling spot - under mast for access cables
80 Paint and insulation
- insulation
- hull - 40mm spray PU or rockwool
- decks / superstructure - spray PU? (was Kingspan Thermaroof TR26)
- ER - RG36 1000x1000x60
- antifouling - up to DWL +100