
From NavykI
Revision as of 10:50, 3 December 2013 by (talk)

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Useful Links

Materials & Textures
Models, Objects



  • SHIFT+SPACE - Full scren view (mouse pointer on the view (scene))
  • CTRL+ALT+Q - Quad views
  • NUMPAD 1 - Front view of the scene
  • NUMPAD 3 - Right view of the scene
  • NUMPAD 7 - Top view of the scene
  • NUMPAD 5 - Change the Perspective or Ortho looking of the view (scene)
  • CTRL+<- or CTRL+-> - Change between the screen Layouts

Render Camera

  • NUMPAD 0 - Viewing from the camera perspective
  • CTRL+ALT+NUMPAD 0 - Sets the view of the camera, according to the scene's view


  • TAB - Changes between the OBJECT MODE and the EDIT MODE


  • A - Select all objects or deselect the already selected objects
  • B - Makes a selection box, so you can select multiple objects
  • G - Move objects
    • To move precisely you need to:
      • Keep pressed the CTRL - is similar to ortho command from AutoCad or Rhino
      • Tap the X - you will move objects on the X axis
      • Tap the Y - you will move objects on the Y axis
      • Tap the Z - you will move objects on the Z axis
  • R - Rotate objects
    • To rotate precisely you need to:
      • Tap the X - you will rotate objects on the X axis
      • Tap the Y - you will rotate objects on the Y axis
      • Tap the Z - you will rotate objects on the Z axis
If the objects need to be on a certain point on the grid, move or rotate the object and then
  • SHIFT+S - It will appear the SNAP menu - choose Selection to Grid