14004 Floatel
From NavykI
- yard budget for developing and building 1st hull €35.000 (Floating 44 was €20.000, Comforship was €40.000 (done by Michiel van Vossen))
- Material - aluminum
- CE Category C (required by marina's)
- floating hotel room, will never leave it's berth after mooring
- Hull - as cheap as possbile to produce (combination of smart engineering, material reduction and labor reduction)
- Floating 44 (project 13006):
- displacement 14 tons
- floating at DWL
- trim aft 40mm
- transverse cross stiffeners removed
- see dwg P:\Offers\14004 Houseboat\Final draw
- no stability?
- only hydrostatics
- weight only interpolation with Floating 44
- bench is alu
- boat is non sailing unless CE insists (?!)
- 7 superstructure frames (5 onder, 2 boven)
- hatch hull
- NO railing
- NO stairs interior
- NO stairs exterior
- NO 'kraaiennest'
- bridge connection
- calculate influence of filled whirlpool on heel
Meeting notes
- Peter will inform if boat needs to be sailing or not for CE approval
- BOA 4980mm for roadtransport (including wooden sideplanking)
- sceptic tank Afmitech Bever Combi Compact
- contact person Jan Boede de Jong
- tank W2200 (possibly W2000) to be fitted between hulls, as far aft as possible
- bench and bathing platform to be removable for this purpose
- hull fixtures by Navyk
- Dual Docker removable mounting plates by Navyk
- removable cleats by Navyk (see pictures)
- wooden planking
- Lariks 28mm
- beams H60mm
- bathing area in front of bench
- alu grills on alu structure
- grills tbd by Linskens
hull construction
- bended sheets 3x2m
- on top 21mm wide flanges
- bottom slightly rounded for additional stifness
- bow
- rectangular in planview
- sloped in sideview
- all tubes rectangular 120x60
- cut out in tubes for draining rainwater from deck
- NO double transom (Floating 44)
- technical space
- in SB hull
- access hatch CO 500x500
- space position by Niels
- pipe through hull in way of whirlpool for drainpipe?
- bridge connection
- top of wooden planking in line with interior sole
- roof of sandwich panel (Kingspan Unidek):
- 10mm OSB
- 160mm ESP / wooden beams at 450 COC
- 10mm OSB
- side walls
- load for strength calculation to be determined by Linskens