SC Hull

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Surfaces and expansions[edit]

How to position in the drawing


Templates are required for plates which need mechanical processing (bending or forming) to obtain the desired shape.

We need templates in the following situations:

  • Single curvature (bending) with constant radius - no template required, give bending info on plate.
  • Single curvature (bending) without constant radius - 1 template required.
  • Double curvature (forming) - minimum 3 templates required.

Template types

  • Bow Fashion - for plates which are on the center line and have symmetry around the center line (for example a bow cone)
  • Standard - all other plates:
    • Create the templates on the reference lines, as perpendicular to the surface as possible, or if this is not applicable:
    • Use Auto-Level

Template label

  • Plate Name
  • Marking Line Name
  • Bracket Angle

Template name is plate name + reference line name or, when using Auto-Level, plate name + T1 (T2, T3, etc.)

Template style is Plate

Edge margin 50mm

Check list SC Hull[edit]

  • Expansion settings
    • General
      • Expansion Option Find Best Strain Fit
      • Stretch Expanded Plate None
      • Text size 50
      • Roll Lines None
    • Add Stock
      • None
    • Templates
      • Show label Plate name, Marking Line Name
      • Label size 50
      • Place labels on templates
      • Show on Plate Surface
      • Show Alignment Icon, Size 50
      • Surface Side Mold Side
      • Type Bow Fashion for templates with symmetry at CL, or
      • Type Standard for templates with non-symmetry at CL, then
      • use reference lines for templates
      • use Auto-Level templates only when:
        • the shape is not sufficient defined with reference lines
        • the angle of the templates at the plate becomes to small
      • Style Plate
      • Template name is plate name + reference line name, or
      • Template name is plate name + marking line name (T1, T2, etc.)
      • No Edge Margin
      • Indicate sightline angle
      • Sightline arrow direction to CL or UP
      • Bow fashion CL template to have an arrow indicating the top - keep inside template

File import and preparation before expansion[edit]

Nurbs import.jpg

  • 1.Set Surface Properties:
    • a.Name required for templates only
    • b.correct Stock properties
    • c.correct Throw
    • d.Mode ‘Solid’’
    • e.solines ‘None’
    • f.colour conform stock
    • g.correct Markside
  • 2.Create Cut Sections (settins as for Reference Lines in Structure)
  • 3.Create Marklines, settings (Edit Labels):


  • 4.Name at least the following Marklines:
    • a.deck at side
    • b.tankt at side
  • 5.Split surfaces when they do not fit the stock

Note: do not toggle on the labels for the solids since they will appear also in the 3D solid model in the unit.

Plate expansion without templates[edit]

When the surface has single curvature which is not too strong, then templates are not required.

  • Plate Expansion Settings:

Plate exp general.jpg Plate exp template.jpg Plate exp add stock.jpg

Plate exp icon.jpg

  • With plate strains >1% ShipConstructor sometimes becomes inaccurate, check by measuring framelines and/or contourlines and compare them with the same lines in Rhinoceros.
  • Toggle labels ON for Sections of the expanded surface
  • Arrange the expanded plates for a suitable lay out in the Approval drawing.

Plate expansion with standard templates[edit]

When the surface has double curvature or single curvature but strong, templates are required.

  • Templates must be concave, when the surface is convex, the Surface Side for the templates must be Thick Side instead of Mold Side.
  • When the Surface Sside is Mold Side, the text ‘Contra Templates’ must be added to the plate and it’s templates (in CrvPlate group).
  • Alignment icons must all indicate in the same direction within a project.
  • Plate Expansion Settings:

Plate exp standard template.jpg


  • The stonger the curvature, the more templates required
  • Use framelins for the templates as much as possible
  • With strong curvature, the distance of the template to the end of the surface should not exceed 100mm, create additonal sections if required
  • Names for additonal sections for templates to be ‘T01’, ‘T02’, etc.

Plate expansion with bow fashion templates[edit]

Use bow fashion templates for symmetrical surfaces with the neutral axis on the centerline, for example flared bows.

  • See ‘Plate expansion with standard templates’
  • Plate Expansion Settings:

Bow fashion template.jpg


  • Plate and Section names are toggled ON for expanded plate
  • Templates have Plate Name, Marking Line Name and Bracket Angle
  • Templates are concave
  • Alignment icon all indicate in same direction
  • No double sightlines on plate (occur when the same plate is expanded several times)
  • Presence of Orientation Icon
  • Aiignment icon indicates correct side (especially with templates at Thick Side, ShipConstructor sometimes indicate wrong)
  • Several dimensions of expanded plate, especially with a lot of curvature (framelines, contour) and see if they match in Rhino.
  • When the strain indicates that the plate will shrink, meaning it will be too short after forming, stock must be added in the Curved Plate Group.