Curved plates
From NavykI
Revision as of 12:02, 17 December 2009 by (talk)
Drawing name is same as it’s parent drawing in Hull but with ‘CRV-‘ in front of it.
Example ‘CRV-SHELL’
- Plate
- FR03-P04
- LG05-P12 - longitudinal number only without buttock indication
- DK04-P01 - deck number only without waterline indication
- Stiffener
- FR04-S02
- LG01-S03
- Faceplate
- FR05-F01
SC Curved plates[edit]
- Same rules apply as for planar parts.
- Use Quick Select to give all entities the required properties (outside contour, inside contours, markinglines, no poress).
- Replace orientation icon from Hull with standard orientation icon indicating ‘FWD’, ‘UP’ or ‘CL’.
- Add bubble to at least all framelines.
- When defining the part, select ‘Forming’ for surfaces with templates.
- When defining the part select ‘Bending’ when approriate.
- templates:
- in symmetrical situations, templates are made for Portside only
- if applicable, add text ‘Contra Templates’ to part (near part name) and templates
- create solids for templates, stock ‘MDF06’
- replace ‘Sigthline Markiline’ with ‘Sightline’
- replace ‘Bracket Angle’ with ‘BA’
- when defining the part, select ‘Forming’ in the Select Paint menu
- when the template is for Portside AND Starboard then no ‘P’ or ‘S’ in part name
- partname for template is platename + markingline name example ‘SH05-T02’
- Templates are without thickness indication.
- Templates which are used for portside parts as well as for starboard sides are defined without Part side in the name.
- Bow fashion Templates- keep the exterior longitudinal template.
Check list SC Curved[edit]
- See checklist 'SC planar group'
- Sightline
- text is 'Sightline'
- position arrow next to text
- arrow height minimum 40
- arrows pointing in same direction, towards CL or UP
- Template
- name is plate name + reference line name, or
- name is plate name + marking line name (T1, T2, etc.)
- position forming info next to templates
- when templates are shown in a duplicated contour of the plate than also duplicate sight line and arrow