AutoCad Administrator

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Revision as of 11:08, 10 April 2010 by (talk) (AutoCad and Open Office)

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License update

To add a new license or moving to a new release of AutoCad the network license file must be updated.

  1. Copy thestandard license file request form (see U:\Software\AutoDesk) into an e-mail with the following info:
    • product
    • number of seats
    • serial number (see DVD-box)
  2. Send it to Autodesk ( and a new license file will be returned.
  3. Rename the file with a clear descriptive name
  4. Change the extension into *.lic
  5. Copy the license file at the server to the folder C:\Program Files\Autodesk Network License Manager\License
  6. Move the old file into the subfolder old files
  7. Open the license manager application LMTools and reread the license file under the tab Start/Stop/Reread

Installing AutoCad 2009

  1. Login as Administrator on the workstation.
  2. Uninstall SC2008.
  3. Go to My Network Places > Navyk-server > Deployments > Autocad2009.
  4. Run ACAD2009NLM > NEXT > Finish + Restart (you don't have to change anything).
  5. On first start of AutoCad2009 Migrate settings from ACad2006.
  6. Install AutoCad 2009 Service Pack 2 from the ICT folder.


AutoCad Data & Downloads

Installing AutoCad 2006 Crack

  1. Copy the ZIP file from the CD to the local computer
  2. Extract the ZIP file and run it
  3. Serial number is 0123-4567890
  4. After installing run the Keygenerator to create the activation code

AutoCad and Open Office

  • A number of fonts will be missing on workstations which have Open Office installed instead of Microsoft Office. These fonts must be copied manually.