SC 2011

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New project SC2011 project creation

The template DB which must be used is: which can be found in Project 2011-test.

  • In partition P create a folder with the project name.
  • SC2011/ Project/New project
  • Fill up the window "New ShipConstructor Project"

File:New project.jpeg

  • Check : View from Aft
  • Choose the SC Template Project file.
  • User name: SH, PASS: no pass.
  • Click OK (data base will be created)
  • Click new unit and name it.
  • Navigator/Template/ Structure template and Nest Template: set up the following:
    1. Units:mm
    2. Coords: 2
    3. KP text style (arrial narrow /regular/0)
    4. Dim style KP-25
    5. lts 50
    6. leader settings: 2 points, underline text.
    7. mirrtext must to be set 0
  1. Customize reference lines for current project

If are any problems in longing in in on the new project created due to the user permission this can be solved going in SC20011/ administrator/manage users.

After project creation the setting up of the project goes on following:

  • Scon/Manager/GENERAL/Project settings/General+Reports+Structure
  • Scon/Manager/GENERAL/User permission
  • Scon/Manager/GENERAL/Materials
  • Scon/Manager/GENERAL/Manufacturers
  • Scon/Manager/GENERAL/Finishes
  • Scon/Manager/GENERAL/Text styles - text style name in manager must have the same name like in acad; ex: KP.
  • Scon/Manager/GENERAL/Naming conventions
  • Scon/Manager/GENERAL/Production output/ Label styles,Dimension styles, BOM
  • Scon/Manager/STRUCTURE/Stock catalog - where you set up the plate stocks and profiles used in the project
  • Scon/Manager/STRUCTURE/Piecemark styles. The profile piecemark is placed on profile and is also appearing rotated next to the plate edge for visibility.
  • Scon/Manager/STRUCTURE/Plates / Mark line styles (datum lines)+ orientation icon+NC machines.

The rest of the menus and sub menus from Manager are updated during working in the project function of every project requirements regarding endcuts, standard parts, etc.