CNC interiors - work procedure

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Revision as of 09:28, 15 September 2011 by (talk) (Remarks list)

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Materials and Naming

  • important for weight calculation
  • for each type of plywood we have the following sheeting options:
    • panel simple, no sheeting
    • panel with sheeting per thickness
    • NOTE: if sheeting is applied then it is always applied on BOTH sides (otherwise panel is unstable)
  • thickness is always panel thickness without sheeting
  • use 3 character abbreviation for wood type:
    • BIR - birch
    • POP - poplar
    • OCO - ocoume
    • WIS - wisaplex
  • naming:
    • thickness in mm (2 characters)
    • wood type (3 characters)
    • sheeting (optional):
      • 2x white
      • 1x (colour code)
      • 2x (colour code)
  • naming example:
    • 15 BIR - 15mm birch panel, no sheeting
    • 04 BIR 1x661 - 4mm birch panel, sheeting one side colour 661, other side sheeting white
    • 09 OCO 2x313 - 9mm ocoume panel, sheeting both sides colour 313

U P D A T E with example weight calculation


  • required info:
    • panel name - on seperate layer (miller request)
    • material
    • panel size
    • part codes
    • help info - required by us but not by client
      • reference lines
      • grain direction
      • colour
  • layer use:
    • contour panel
    • contour outside
    • contour inside
    • contour recess (depth in layer name? example Z=8.5, measured from milling table)
  • color use? CNC uses layers or colors? For path CNC we should use contours, not offsets, recess contours also to be a closed loop and always inside cut?
  • vertical panel orientation, saves space in drawing
  • single colour: indicate which side facing upward
  • currently we create an offset for miller, this offset to be on layer MARO (HU for cutter) + diameter of tool example 'MARO 20'


  • use 1 cutter of Ø16 in order to be able to cut slots for 17mm thick material OR use 2 cutters: 1 of Ø18 and 1 of Ø10?


  • all expansions and nests in 1 file
  • presentation to yard? assembly drawings? title blocks? 'Centreboard yard prefers a plotted expansion drawing A1 or A2 format (7-7-2011)
  • send CTB file for correct printing of our drawings
  • key for nest
  • key for abbreviations:
    • material
    • colour codes example: 661 is Abet 661 Micro
  • weight data
  • center of gravity
  • reports
    • which part is in which panel (xls format)

Additional jobs

  • edging
  • edge bevel
  • hinge cups
  • push button latch hole
  • hardware lists
  • interior weight
  • interior center of gravity
  • equipment lists

ShipConstructor work method improvements

  • use better grain direction icon (symmetry)
  • create a unit for each space - then it is easy to nest per space when desired
  • split cabins in several hull/crv plate groups (per colour? makes it easier to apply colour codes and grain direction icons) - this reduces file size which works faster and more people can work on the project to speed up things
  • create crv_plt for sole/wall/ceiling/furniture? Then peopel can work in parallel on 1 cabin to speed up things
  • xref nest drawings in approval drawing


  • layer name = panel type?

Modeling and drafting

  • modifications are done ALWAYS in Rhino model, ShipConstructor Hull AND ShipConstructor Nest, 3D models MUST be accurate in every application


  • SC hull - contours of planar parts can change after expansion, especially radi - workaround: use planar groups for ALL parts containing radi


  • all parts with colour:
    • indicate grain direction
    • indicate colour
  • nest:
    • check if all parts are nested
    • check grain direction
    • check part contours for irregularities created in hull (for example: radi)
    • single colour:
      • check if part is not mirrored in nest (colour on correct side)

Bound Approval

  • check and modify where necessary part contours (for example: radi) mark these in the approval?!

Remarks list

  • goal: to communicate remarks with client and to catogorize them in order to see where improvements need to be made
  • online document (Google Documents) where client can add remarks, we categorize them
  • table
    • vertical - part list
    • horizontal - remarks + categories
  • categories:
    • design
    • 3D modeling
    • expansion
    • nest
    • milling preparation
    • presentation (info for carpenter)