Customizing AutoCad
From NavykI
Revision as of 14:56, 22 November 2011 by (talk)
Navyk uses a number of customized toolbars for AutoCad.
- General
- Mirror around origin
- Measure from origin
- Line from origin
- ShipConstructor Structure
- Create CON layer
- Toggle CON layer ON/OFF
- ShipConstructor Nest
- Move 20mm up/down/left/right/diagonal
- Navyk
- Remove vertices below tolerance
- 3D to 2D
- Distance to origin
- Mirror from origin
- Line from origin
- Curved (new toolbar for Acad 2012)
- New (curved plate)
- Edit Properties
- Define Outer Toolpath
- Extract Production Info
- Start AutoCad.
- Run the cuiload command.
- Unload any existing customization files except ACAD and SHIPCONSTRUCTOR.
- Browse to H:\Documents and Settings\AutoCad\AutoCad Customization\Navyk and select the file Navyk.cui.
- Load the file.
- Close the Load/unload customizations window.
- Right click on a Navyk toolbar to toggle the desired toolbars ON/OFF.
- To save your settings close AutoCad and open it again.
- NOTE 1 - To make the CON layer tools functional copy the file acad.dbv from H:\Documents and Settings\AutoCad\AutoCad Customization to the desired AutoCad folder in Program Files.
- NOTE 2 - If the *.cui file appears to be read only it might be because it is opened by other users.