Nesting - preparing for CNC

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Revision as of 11:29, 22 May 2009 by (talk)

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When the nest drawings are approved they need to be prepared for NC-Pyros.

  • Create a new folder with the project name and add Nests CNC.
example: 08007-05 Nests CNC
  • Copy the nest files from the ShipConstructor Nests folder into the new folder.
  • Rename the files.
example: 08007-B10-Nest PL04 Steel S5
  • Revisions are indicated by adding rev 1.
example: 08007-B10-Nest PL04 Steel S5 rev 1
  • Hide layer stock.
  • Use Quick Select to find all part blocks and explode them.
  • Use Quick Select to find all ARL entities and explode them.
  • Check if all entities are on layer _PRD.
  • Remove all vertices, tolerance 0.05.

The drawing is now ready for NC-Pyros.