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International Organization for Standardization.

ISO 8099 Small craft - Toilet waste retention systems
ISO 8666 Small craft - Principal data
ISO 12217-2 Small craft - Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization - Sailing boats of hull length greater than or equal to 6 m
ISO 9093-1 Small craft - Seacocks and through-hull fittings - Part 1: Metallic
ISO 9093-2 Small craft - Seacocks and through-hull fittings - Part 2: Non-metallic
ISO 9094-1 Small craft - Fire protection -Part 1: Craft with a hull length of up to and including 15 m
ISO 9094-1 Small craft - Fire protection -Part 1: Craft with a hull length over 15 m
ISO 10087 Small craft - Hull identification - Coding system
ISO 10088 Small craft - Permanently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel tanks
ISO 10133 Small craft - Electrical systems - Extra-low-voltage d.c. installations
ISO 10239 Small craft - Liquified petroleum gas (LPG)systems
ISO 10240 Small craft - Owner’s manual
ISO 10592 Small craft - Hydraulic steering systems
ISO 11105 Small craft - Ventilation of petrol engine and/or petrol tank compartments
ISO 11591 Small craft, engine driven Ð Field of vision from helm position
ISO 11592 Small craft less than 8 m length of hull - Determination of maximum propulsion power rating
ISO 11812 Small craft - Watertight cockpits and quick-draining cockpits
ISO 12215-1 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 1: Materials: Thermosetting resins, glass-fibre reinforcement, reference laminate
ISO 12215-2 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 2: Materials: Core materials for sandwich construction, embedded materials
ISO 12215-3 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 3: Materials: Steel, aluminium alloys, wood, other materials
ISO 12215-4 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 4: Workshop and manufacturing