Teamdrink 2016 May 26

From NavykI
Revision as of 13:30, 27 May 2016 by (talk) (Created page with "==Attendees== * Steven, AlexP, Alex Suman, Bogdan, Cornel, Cosmin, Dan, George, Ligia, Liviu, Marcu, Marius, Oana, Ovidiu, Sebi, Simona, Tudor, Violeta ==Agenda Topics== ===...")

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  • Steven, AlexP, Alex Suman, Bogdan, Cornel, Cosmin, Dan, George, Ligia, Liviu, Marcu, Marius, Oana, Ovidiu, Sebi, Simona, Tudor, Violeta

Agenda Topics[edit]


  • finished:
    • KP
      • MY 22m Jetten
      • Mast expansion
      • MY 73m NX 813
    • Olivier van Meer
      • SY 22m
    • KMY
      • Nanuq section 01 and 02
    • Nautic Vision
      • Nautic 1100 BN01 interior
      • Nautic 1100 BN01 building kit
    • Trimmdesign
      • SY 58m interior
    • iYacht
      • Kormoran 1280 extension
    • Jan Visser
      • MS 46m safety plan
    • SRF
      • Layout sailing barge
      • Inventarisation Bronsveen files
  • ongoing
    • MY 93m NX 814
    • Luxe motor 38m > renderings
  • new
    • SY 49 Koopmans Nienke / Alberda
  • coming up
    • Olivier van Meer
      • bulb expansions?
      • new hull?
  • offers
    • SRF
      • pontoons river Thames 50 and 140m
      • pontoon Amsterdam
    • Jetten > interiors for 2 MY 19m and 22m > small budget, impossible delivery time
    • Canada > 40' Service barge
    • Robin ten Hoope > SY 128' Hoek design, interior (partially)
    • KMY
      • BV 45 ST Pure > modifications interior
      • Zenith interior?
      • SY 66'?
    • Olivier van Meer
      • bulb expansions?
      • new hull?


  • ERP3 switch
  • INT application
  • render meeting in June


  • new
    • Daniel Marcu
  • leaving/left:
    • Ianache > Vard Tulcea
    • Ana-Maria > Vard Tulcea
    • Alex Suman > MEGA
    • Cosmin > Damen
  • new rule for overtime
    • extra hours can be compensated with free time
    • during the week, hour per hour
    • during the weekend and national holidays, double the hours
    • starting with 1st of April


  • towel dispensers
  • cleaning > offers received > will choose
  • coffeemachine > Simona will invite distributors/represenatives