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Below aliases can be found in H:\Settings\Rhinoceros\Aliases.txt for import in Rhinoceros (Tools\Options\Aliases)

Keystroke Command Rhinoceros AutoCad
A Arc x x
AA Angle x -
AC CurvatureGraph x -
AD Direction x -
AL Length x -
AR Radius x -
AS SurfaceCurvature x -
B Boundary - x
C Circle x x
CB BlendCurve x -
CC ConnectCurve x -
CCL CloseCurve x -
CF Fair x -
CO Copy x x
CX ExtendCurve x -
CXS ExtendCurveOnSurface x -
DA Aligned Dimension x -
DAN AngleDimension x -
DB DuplicateBorder x -
DD DiameterDimension x -
DE DuplicateEdge x -
DI Distance x x
DL LinearDimension x -
DR RadiusDimension x -
E Erase/Delete x x
EJ Join Edge x x
EM Merge Edge x x
ES Show Edges x x
EX Extrude Curve x -
F Fillet x x
FN Fin x x
G Group x x
H Hatch - x
I Insert x x
IS Intersection x -
J Join x x
L Line x x
LI List x -
M Move x x
MA Match x -
MI Mirror x x
O Offset x x
ON Offset Normal to Surface x -
OS Offset Surface x -
P Pan x x
PL Plane x -
PS Planar Surface x -
PU Purge x x
R Redraw - x
RO Rotate x x
RO3 Rotate 3D x -
S Split x -
S1 Sweep 1 rail x -
S2 Sweep 2 rails x -
SB Blend Surface x -
SBV Variable Blend Surface x -
SC Connect Surfaces x -
SC1 Scale 1D x -
SC2 Scale 2D x -
SC3 Scale 3D x -
SCF Chamber Surface x -
SE Surface Extend x -
SF Fillet Surface x -
SFV Variable Fillet Surface x -
SI Silhouette x -
SL Loft x -
SM Merge Surfaces x -
SMO Smooth x -
SN Network Surface x -
SOV Variable Offset Surface x -
SP Planar Surface x -
SR Revolve x -
SU Surface Untrim x -
SX Extend Surface x -
SXC Extrude Curve along Curve x -
T Trim x -
U Undo x x
W Write Block x x
X Explode x x
Z Zoom x x
ZA Zoom All - x
ZE Zoom Extents x -
ZEA Zoom All Extents x -
ZS ZoomSelected x -
ZSA ZoomAllSelected x -

New Autocad 2012 aliases[edit]

From the menu Tools choose Customize -> Edit program parameters (acad.pgp)

 -- User Defined Command Aliases --
 You can abbreviate frequently used AutoCAD commands by defining aliases for them in the User Defined Command Aliases section of acad.pgp.
 You can create a command alias for any AutoCAD command, device driver command, or external command.
 To create a new line assigning a new alias use the writing format from the acad.pgp:
 command alias, *Acad/ShipCon command
Keystroke Command
DD SCCONV (3D to 2D)
RV SCBELOWTOL (remove vertices below tolerance)
JO SCTOOLPATH (generates tool path)
R3 ROTATE3D (rotate 3d)


 After closing and saving acad.pgp insert the REINIT command at command prompt in Autocad.