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AutoCad Training

Issues, Tips & Tricks[edit]

  • to display the command bar: Ctrl+9
  • to display the classic menu: type MENUBAR and 1 (or 0 to hide it)
  • to display the lay out and model tabs at the bottom of the drawing: Tools > Options > Display > Layout Elements: check Display Layout and Model tabs
  • to file dialog boxes FILEDIA and set to '1 (or 0 to hide it)
  • to command dialog boxes CMDDIA and set to '1 (or 0 to hide it)
  • if a dialog does not appear in most o cases this is due by the offset of the screen of the dialog box. Press alt+space bar then M you will be able to use the arrow to put the dialog box in the middle of the screen.
  • to remove palettes Tools > Palettes > uncheck Ribbon
  • multileader - DIMTAD toggles underlining of text, '0' is NO underlining
  • pickfirst>1 if you want to have a selection first, and then the command. pickfirst>0 if you wish to have command, and then the selection
  • 2D > 3D - expresstools
  • remove vertices - see lisp (from Tabo) in H:\Documents and Settings\AutoCad\AutoCad Lisp\pld.lsp or pldiet.lsp


AutoCad Support

External links[edit]