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  • does it help to generate a drawing per sheet? OR what does CNCwerk do more except for making the code?
  • make a bom per sheet?
  • connection piece?
  • tool list (or at least a drill list)
  • how small a part can be:
    • weight?
    • area?
    • thickness?
    • minimum width for a milled through strip for not deforming? (which width of material can be milled safely, without errors, vibrations and breaks (we have some pieces with narrow zones less than 12-20mm width)
    • drill holes > mark with dot only?
    • what info the machine operator has? (sheet size, etc.)


  • router bits
    • straight
      • Ø10
      • Ø20
    • V
      • 45°
      • 60° > markings
  • drills
    • Ø3.0 > smallest
    • Ø5.0


  • Layers
    • for each tool
    • for each router bits per contour (outside / inside / inset)
  • Contours
    • closed polylines
    • no curves
    • no splines
  • Drilling holes
    • layer per diameter per depth
    • mark with 'dot' (AutoCAD)
  • Narrow strips > milled full depth minus 1mm (so strips in an 18mm sheet will be milled 17mm deep and will remain in the sheet)


    • file format excel
    • each info line in a column
    • at least showing part ID and sheet ID (so 2 columns)
    • if possible show material ID (3 columns)