Checklist - SC building kit

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  • Layer use:
    • _PRD Part contours, marking lines and no process entities
    • _SLD Part solids
    • _REV Back up of surfacemodel sections, stringer cutouts
    • _CON All entities which must appear in the printed drawing but not on parts (no Shipconstructor entities)
  • Vertices removed (0.05mm)
  • Textstyle and height
  • Linetype scale (dwg must be scale 50)
  • Purge

Building kit plate[edit]

  • Check solids for interference with intersecting/connecting structure
  • Fame + CL girder:
    • Baseline (+ centerline for frames)
    • Title
    • Fully detailed intersecting structure in 'no process'
  • Scallops for welding connecting structure
  • Scallops for shell seams
  • Limberholes
  • Stringer cutouts in T section – add bridge if cutout is deeper than half web height
  • Presence of sightline on long, narrow curved parts
  • Watertight bulkheads
    • No scallops
    • No stringer cutouts
  • Tank
    • Breather/bleederholes
    • No scallops in tankwalls
    • Additional limberholes where required
  • Reference lines:
    • Every part at least 1 reference line (intermediar if necessary, except at small brackets)
    • Marking lines on reference lines to be ignored
  • Marking lines
    • For all connecting structure
    • Correct line type (continuous/dashed)
    • Bubble for plate
    • Double arrow for stiffener
  • No process lines – correct line type (continuous/dashed)
  • No lines to extend beyond part contour
  • Plate thickness on every part
  • Text not to interfere with other entities
  • Curved plate:
    • Mark all connecting construction
    • Framelines to have bubble for thickness throw indication
    • Presence of correct orientation icon

Building kit plate + profile[edit]

  • Type and length for every profile
  • Stiffener endcut indication
  • Stiffener start- and end symbols

Construction detail drawing[edit]

  • Shell seam symbols
  • Stiffener end cut symbol
  • Centerline or baseline for every planar group