General construction plan - small craft
From NavykI
- indicate what is not in delivery or what is yard delivery
- keep construction simple
- use as little different plate thicknesses and profile sections as possible
- draw schematic
- give all collected info
- do NOT:
- insert SC planar groups
- use lines of Rhino solid model
- principal dimensions:
- Loa
- Lhull
- Lwl
- Boa
- Bwl
- Draft
- Displacement
- CE category
- hull speed
- construction:
- material properties
- classification
- principal scantlings
- drive train
- engine
- reduction box
- thruster bearing
- shaft details?
- propellor details?
- tank table
- principal frames
- bulkheads (WT bulkheads to be mentioned in frame title)
- webframes (mention in frame title)
- transom view
- centerline section OR side view
- bottom view
- deck view
- specify structure only 1 time:
- longitudinal structure in longitudinal views
- transverse structure in transverse views
- indicate:
- continuing structure (arrows)
- profile snipes
- principal limberhole detail
- principal welding scallop detail
Cut outs[edit]
- for every cut out
- location
- dimensions
- mark with crossed lines, linetype 'center'
- hatches and portholes:
- brand, model, HIP
- engine ventilation grill
- rudder construction
- rudder shaft installation
- steering system (cylinder support)
- engine girders
- thruster bearing plate
- shaft installation
- thrusters (bow and stern):
- indicate inside AND outside diameter of tunnel
- indicate maximum tunnel pipe length, for knuckled thruster tunnels show section with tube lengths
- indicate engine offset from CL
- indicate engine angle
- indicate hole pattern for thruster engine
- deck drains
- anchor arrangement
- bilge water collection point
- specify any equipment part which influences the delivery
- save data sheets of all used equipment in inbox
- make standard details for scallops, limber holes, breather holes, etc.