Productivity based bonus

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There are several situations for the brut bonus calculation:

1. Projects on real hours: the bonus will be calculated as the total number of invoiced hours multiplied by 3.40€, but not higher than the total number of normal working hours in a month.

For example: if a month has a total number of 160 normal working hours, then the maximum bonus will be 160h*3.40€=544€, even if a person booked 180 hours. The remaining 20 hours are considered extra and will be paid with a 175% or 200% increase or will be compensated with free days in the following month.

2. Projects on a budget: as long as the project is opened, the bonus will be calculated with a productivity of 70%. At the end of the project, the bonus difference will be added or subtracted according to the project’s productivity.

3. Company development bonus: the projects in the 9000 group:

a) new employee - 1.75€/hour will be given for maximum 30 hours booked on Providing training - new employee for the first 3 months of employment

b) development - 1.75€/hour will be given for the hours booked on development projects if the subproject is on real hours. For budgeted projects the same rule applies as in point 2 above. Be aware that the subproject's definition must start with "bonus" in order for it to be taken into account for the calculation.

Invoiced hours will be tracked by the Project Leaders / Senior Engineers and will be checked by the project manager.

Mistakes(hours) marked together with the Project Leader or with the Senior Engineer after the project was finished will be deducted from the bonus of the next month.

In case the yard sends penalties for the company, the estimated "mistakes" hours will be discussed with the management team.


In calculul bonusului brut sunt luate in considerare mai multe situatii:

1. Proiecte pe ore reale: bonusul se va calcula ca numarul total al orelor facturate inmultit cu 3.40€, dar numarul orelor luate in calcul la bonus nu poate depasi numarul total de ore lucratoare dintr-o luna.

De exemplu: daca intr-o luna sunt 160 de ore lucratoare, bonusul maxim poate fi 160h*3.40€=544€, chiar daca o persoana a pontat 180 de ore. Cele 20 de ore vor fi considerate suplimentare si platite cu spor de 175% sau 200% sau vor fi compensate cu zile libere in lunile urmatoare.

2. Proiecte pe buget: atat timp cat un proiect este deschis, bonusul va fi calculat la o productivitate de 70%. La inchiderea proiectului se va adauga sau scadea diferenta de bonus, in functie de productivitatea proiectului.

3. Bonusul de dezvoltare in companie: proiectele in grupa 9000:

a) angajat nou - 1.75€/ora sunt alocati pentru maximum 30 ore pontate pe Providing training - new employee pentru primele 3 luni de la angajare

b) dezvoltare - 1,75€/ora vor fi acordate pentru orele rezervate pentru proiectele de dezvoltare daca subproiectul este pe ore reale. Pentru proiectele bugetate se aplica aceeași regula ca la punctul 2 de mai sus. Retineti ca definitia subproiectului trebuie să inceapă cu „bonus” pentru a putea fi luata in calcul.

Orele facturate vor fi urmarite de liderii de proiect/ingineri seniori si vor fi verificate de către managerul de proiect.

Greselile (orele) marcate impreună cu seful proiectului sau cu inginerul principal dupa finalizarea proiectului vor fi deduse din bonusul lunii următoare.

In cazul in care santierul trimite penalitati pentru companie, orele de „greșeli” estimate vor fi discutate cu echipa de conducere.