SC Flanges

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Structure - Plate - Flange correction explained[edit]

The attached drawings will explain how the expanded flange is calculated for the theoretical case. That is the case where the neutral axis (1/2 the plate thickness) is expanded. These calculations show what values for the flange and foldline correction are needed.


  • flange_correction_factor.xls - An Excel spreadsheet containing calculations for the case where the neutral axis is used for the expanded flange and the foldline is placed in the middle of the bend (equidistant from the two tangents).
  • expanded_flange.dwg - An AutoCAD drawing showing how the foldline and flange correction values are calculated internally.
  • flange_extended_example.dwg - An AutoCAD drawing showing dimensioned examples of flanged plates and how to manually calculate the correction factors.

The attachements can be found in H:\Documents and Settings\ShipConstructor\ShipConstructor 2008