Teamdrink 2014 August 21

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  • Steven, Ligia, Violeta, Sabina, Bogdan, Ovidiu, George, Cristi, Sorin, Tiberiu, Marius, Cosmin, Andrei, Cornel, Dan, AlexP

Agenda Topics[edit]


  • Kormoran 1500
  • SN40 BN05
  • SY 62'
  • HJS 1350
  • MY 70m
  • MY 110m
  • Luxe motor 38m


  • tender crane calculations
  • KP:
    • Dredger 105m
    • MB 18m


  • approach Dutch market (Amels)


  • Gicu left to Mega
  • Cornel full time NX
  • Cristian - starting 1st September in Sorin's team


  • AC for next year
  • recovery time: inform project leader and Sabina before taking time off


  • keep your email open
  • NX trainee (LC): to be established after 1st September >> update: Cristian will become the NX backup
  • ask KP to give us a heads-up when they want to switch to the latest version of NX, because our current server cannot support it (BM)
  • make pages for each employee where project leaders can mark their mistakes - part of the evaluation process (ON)
    • accessibility: to discuss with BM