Teamdrink 2017 December 21

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  • Adrian, Albert, Alina, Andreea, Cornel, Marius, Dan, George, Ligia, Liviu, Marcu, Ovidiu, RazvanP, Sebi, Simona, Steven, Violeta, Bianca, Ana, Bogdan

Agenda Topics[edit]


  • negative
    • 4 leaving
      • Alex Popa
      • Razvan Mihai
      • Tudor
      • Albert
  • positive
    • busy year
    • celebrated 10 years
    • 4 new hires
      • Albert
      • Alina
      • Ana
      • Razvan
    • financial we did well
    • salary raise 10%
    • 10 Rhino licenses
    • good reserves
    • Christmas bonus 400 RON, summer bonus 1.000 RON (full time employee who is contracted on the pay date)


  • organization
    • training to raise level
    • 6 month evaluation for newbees
    • clear relation between skills and salary
    • connection between productivity and income (salary/bonus)
  • projects
    • ongoing
      • Heesen
      • Steeler
      • Vanquish
      • NX until April
    • January is booked full
    • coming up
      • (to be confirmed on Jan-15): 60m Heesen hull building kit (wk 12-49)
      • house boat renderings
      • KMY 3 projects
      • tender
  • paternity leave
    • Dan - 14 months, starting Jan-01
    • Ovidiu - untill??? > 11 February
  • summer holiday wk 32+33 (Aug 6-17)
  • next visit second week of Feb (wk6)
  • happy holiday