14044 Luxe motor 38

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Revision as of 16:14, 22 July 2014 by Navykisysop (talk | contribs) (Propulsion)

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  • Main dimensions:
    • LOA 38.50m
    • Dmax 1.40m
    • Air draft 3.35m (or 3.60m?)
    • BOA 4.95m
  • Range - maximum 10 days
  • Area
    • French channels
    • River Rhine
    • German channels
  • Season:
    • At French Channels is May-October
    • Off season boats will sail to homeport Leeuwarden where they will be overhauled and used for daytrips/parties for groups of max 30 persons
  • Booking agency Cumberly & Kent
  • Misc:
    • State of the art technique
    • 5 star ship
    • Owner has shipping company with advanced ships where everything is operated electrical.
    • SRF – cofferdam with all tanks between ER and cabins, 2 frame distances of 450mm
    • ER as small as possible


  • Diesel electric propulsion – SRF recently did a boat of LOA 25m / 25 kW which reached 7 km/h min. Potential electric engine supplier is Boumuller (Hybrid Ship Propulsion)
  • Roof covered with solar panels
  • Possibility of hydro propulsion as secondary
    • neccesary power for minimum speed of 7km/h (?? why 7??)
  • Vessel shall sail in small channels electrical at low power without generator. Battery capacity to be calculated and applied for 1 day of sail.
  • For additional power and where possible to replace combustion engines a large area of solar panels will be installed.
  • Furthermore a shore connection for power supply and battery charge. An electric bow thruster in a tunnel in the foreship.
  • Vessel will have 2 remote controlled ‘spudpalen’, 1 PS in foreship and 1 SB in aftship.
  • Propulsion by means of electric propelled ‘rudder-propellor’. Electric power supply of rudder-propellor will have an automatic switch for batteries or generator.
  • Power of rudder-propellor will be between 1-150 kW with frequence control. At full power the generator will provide the power.
  • Two generators:
    • 180 KW full power sailing and board system
    • 50 KW low speed and board system
    • Generators to be in sound insulated boxes (whisper generators).
    • Generators to meet current, known and expected requirements regarding emission for European inland waterways.


  • Grey water can be drained overboard
  • Black water must be stored



  • Crew number - 5
    • Skipper / Captain with partner
    • Cook 1x
    • Hostess 2x
    • 1 double cabin for skipper w partner
    • 4 single cabins for cook and hostess
    • spare cabin available when skipper is without partner


  • Passenger number - 10
  • Cabins:
    • light and belvedere
    • 5 identical double cabin


  • Wheelhouse to have a seating area for guests
  • Wheelhouse to have visibility to stern


  • Fore and aftdeck suitable for guests so they can spread over the boat and find some privacy.


  • Idea is to have in foreship the crew accommodation, then 5 guest cabins, then engine room. Main deck: wheelhouse, galley, salon, aftdeck.
  • Guests are usually elder so keep rollators in mind but boat does not need to be wheelchair accessible
  • Keep boarding and stairs comfortable
  • Classic look with original details


  • ‘kanalen kopschroef’ suitable for back up propulsion, requires full ER, minimum speed. Question is if back up is about propulsion or propulsion line, in latter case an electric engine with hollow shaft might work out.


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