Approval drawing

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Revision as of 09:23, 5 June 2009 by (talk)

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  • 1.ShipConstructor/Navigator/Approval/Click new/ Name Approval.
  • 2.SC Approval/ Insert Group

Arrange all planar and curved groups in layout frames with correct scale (layer Defpoints, layer colour Magenta)

Note: If attaching a planar group via ShipConstructor fails, then use AutoCad Xref » Attach


  • Use correct layout template
  • Layout names ‘Sheet 1’, ‘Sheet 2’, etc.
  • Fill up titleblock at least with:
    • Date
    • Scale
    • Format
    • Sheet number and total
  1. Viewports
  • Scale (in order of preference):
    • 1:20
    • 1:25
    • 1:40
  • Scale for details:
    • 1:2
    • 1:5

o Layer is VP (layersetting NO PLOT for VP) o Lock display of viewports • Titleblock KP: o Hull nr: - o Project nr: KP project code o Drawn: JK o Drawing nr: B08 for expansions

• Text o Layer 0 o Textstyle KP o Colour ‘by layer’ o Textheight: (lay out)  Title 7.5 CAPITALS  Subtitle 5 No capitals  Text 2.5


• Arrange planar groups in the following order: 1. Frames 2. Longitudinals 3. Decks 4. Curved plate • Small projects: arrange planar groups vertically conform their position in reality; place the keel on the bottom of the drawing, place roofs on top of the drawing • Arrange small parts (brackets, etc.) near the adjacent part


• Presence of all planar groups • Correct layer use • Undesired layers


  • 1.Make sure the approval drawing is completely arranged and saved
  • 2.Click Approval » Save As Bound Approval
  • 3..Location Project » Drawings
  • 4.Name is ‘project Approval date’ (08025 Approval 14-08-2008.dwg)
  • 5.Click Yes for ‘Remove all solids’
  • 6.Bind planar groups which cannot be bound with Shipconstructor (many times ‘crv plate’ groups) manually via ‘xref’ / bind
  • 7.Use Quick Select (Propereties window) to:
    • •Explode all block references
    • •Explode all ARLCMarklines
    • •Delete all ARLDDoubleCurveSurfaces
    • •Delete all unnecessary layers
  • 8.Move all entities to the ‘0’-layer.
  • 9.Purge the drawing
  • 10.Move viewports to layer ‘VP’ and switch the layer off
  • 11.Check for undesired layers

Note: If binding via ShipConstructor fails then use the AutoCad command Xref » Bind