Issues ShipConstructor

From NavykI
Revision as of 11:27, 15 March 2012 by (talk) (SC 2011)

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SC 2011

    • text placement - part text which has been dragged moves back to the old location after exploding the bound approval drawing
      • does not happen in nest drawings after preparing for CNC
    • double lines - created by SC, how to get rid of them, is there a way via SC by means of a setting somewhere?
    • leaders - mix up after binding the approval - possible solution: use 'middle of text' for left and right attachment
  • NEST
    • finshes - many times they do not appear in the BOM
    • nest template - BOM must be split in columns when 1 column becomes too long to fit on the page
      • table can be stretched from the bottom
  • HULL
    • radiused cutout contours turn into chamfered cutout contours after expansion
      • see this for workaround [1]
    • Attention to be paid when importing flat surfaces in hull from rhino. Changes in dimention may appear.
      • no solutions yet.