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The process of efficiently positioning plate parts in a sheet to reduce material waste.

Distance between parts 20mm

Nesting steps:

  • 01.Set up nest template: ShipConstructor/navigator/templates/Nest01:units:mm, text style : KP arial narrow
  • 02.Check stock plate in manager
  • 03.Create the Nest files.
  • 04.In every nest file insert nest plate.0,0 insertion point. In general are 5 nest in a row with distance 500mm.Second row 1000 mm under.
  • 05.Insert the parts: array individually.
  • 06.Nest the parts: first the big plates starting lower left corner.
  • 07.When nest is done assign the parts to the nest.
  • 08.Nest/Check collision.Rearenge parts if necessary.
  • 09.Update nest and BOM.
  • 10.Add a calibration plates in every nest using tool pallete.
  • 11.Delete content of Nestprt from project folder folder after every check nest.
  • 12.Navigator/Unit/check nests. If OK you get the message :0 parts remain unnested!.
  • 13.Empty Nesprt folder.

If after Navigator/Unit/check nests you get results with text : parts moved to REV layer,than the steps are:

  • 01.Delete content of Nestprt folder
  • 02.Nest/Check nests
  • 03.Nest/Reinsert parts.
  • 04.Insert remaining parts if existing and nest them.
  • 05.Nest/Check colision.Rearenge if necessary.
  • 06.Assign to nest
  • 07.Update nest and BOM.
  • 08.Navigator/Unit/check nests. If OK you get the message :0 parts remain unnested!.

If the nest is ready and still 1 or 2 parts were modified and you now the name of the parts than:

  • 01.Delete content of Nestprt folder
  • 02.Nest/part list/ find the part/ select it and than Nest/ part/Reinsert.
  • 03.Assign to nest.
  • 04.Update nest and BOM.