Productivity based bonus

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There are several situations for the brut bonus calculation:

1. Projects on real hours: the bonus will be calculated as the total number of invoiced hours multiplied by 2.5 €, but not higher than the total number of normal working hours in a month.

For example: if a month has a total number of 160 normal working hours, then the maximum bonus will be 160h*2.5€=400€, even if a person booked 180 hours. The remaining 20 hours are considered extra and will be paid with a 175% or 200% increase or will be compensated with free days in the next month.

2. Projects on a budget: as long as the project is opened, the bonus will be calculated with a productivity of 50%. At the end of the project, depending on the project’s productivity, the bonus difference will be calculated in + or – and for the next month bonus calculation, it will be added or subtracted to the monthly bonus. 3. Company development bonus