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Schutte is a cutting company from NL with special requirements regarding the delivery of the nest drawings.

IMPORTANT: Their CNC cutting machine does NOT accept double lines or marking lines passing through contours.


For each plate:

  • 1 DXF cutting file per plate
  • 1 nest drawing in PDF format on A4, text must be readable so select only the plate + header


  • export each nest to NC-pyros
  • plate contour: default color
  • part contours (inside AND outside) - color white, closed contour
  • marking lines - blue
  • remove:
    • vertices
    • text
    • piecemarks
    • bending info
    • orientation icons
    • SC entities
    • all other info outside the plate contour
    • profile markings


  • vertices - when too dense, increase tolerance for that contour only, then trim adjacent marking lines where necessary
  • double lines (marking lines on top of contour)
  • marking lines extending beyond plate contour

NOTE: when tolerance is reduced many marking lines will extend beyond contour, check and trim


  • use default layers (machine is picking contours by color, not by layer)
  • machine code is created with CAM 2000 software
  • Schutte does not have AutoCad so they cannot make any modifications to our files (or solve problems)
  • make sure no marking lines are outside or on part contours because then their software cannot create the machine code
    • usual profile end markings give the problems, find them by filtering on closed polyline (the triangle shapes) and length 37.5 (the 'L' shapes)
  • for examples see most Bronsveen projects